Social Security Disability Insurance (SSDI), also known as ‘Title II,’ is a Disability Assistance program that is tied to your work history and which pays benefits to you and to certain members of your family, if you:
• Have 1+ disability(s), AND
• Have worked enough years to qualify, AND
• You paid Social Security taxes during the years that you worked.
SSDI offers Medicare following a 24-month waiting period following eligibility.
Because SSDI eligibility depends on having a prior work history AND making prior Social Security contributions, only adults (18+ year olds) and NOT minors (Newborn to 17 year olds) can receive SSDI.
Supplemental Security Income (SSI), also known as ‘Title XVI,’ is a Disability Assistance program that is needs-based and does NOT require you to have a work history but instead provides you with the income to cover basic necessities like food, clothing and/or housing, if you are:
• 65+ years old with or without 1+ disability(s), OR
• Birth to 64 years old with 1+ qualifying disability(s) but have also not worked for enough years to qualify for SSDI and/or not having paid Social Security taxes during the years that you did work.
SSI offers Medicaid subject to the SSI recipient’s home state’s Medicaid law.